Zynga Poker Experience Points
The world’s most popular Poker game with more tables, more tournaments, and more people to challenge than ever before. It’s Texas Hold ‘Em Poker the way YOU want to play! Zynga Poker is the destination for casino fans and Poker players alike! If you play slots or blackjack, you’ll feel right at home in our friendly Poker community! New Free Safe and Secure Zynga Poker - Texas Holdem Hack Online Generator Cheat Real Works 100% Guaranteed! Add required amount of Chips and Gold instantly to your account!
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- Zynga Poker Experience Points Games
Zynga poker is a wildly popular Facebook based game, boasting 35 million users worldwide. It is somewhat unique among free poker platforms as it offers players the ability to flaunt their money by tipping the dealer, buying avatars, purchasing gifts like drinks and cigars for themselves and even other players. You are likely here though because you want to learn how to win a lot of chips. We will do our best to tell you how. If you play well enough, you should NEVER have to buy chips from Zynga poker.
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Getting Free Chips From Zynga Poker
There are a few ways to get chips directly from Zynga, when you start an account you begin with 2,000 chips, which is not a lot, but the good news is that if you leave on push notifications, they will give you 2,000 more chips daily just by logging in. You also get free chips for leveling up. Be sure to log in daily, even if you aren’t going to play just to get those free chips. If you log in through you phone, it will be automatic, if you log-in through a computer, you will want to play the Lucky Bonus which gives you the chance to win up to win 1 million chips depending upon how many friends you have invited or made.
Winning at Cash Games
Building from Scratch: When you start, it is pretty tough because you have a very limited number of chips, but regardless, this can teach you proper bankroll management. This isn’t as important in the beginning though, because you can get 2,000 new chips every day if you bust your bank roll. You have two choices then, play on a game like a 10/20 table or try to grind it out playing on 1/2 games hoping to make a little, but accumulating chips daily from your daily bonus until you have enough to advance to a higher table. If you play the 10/20 game you are looking to get lucky and triple up or better. If you do triple or double up, leave the table and try to do it again on another table. I suggest buying in with $1000, that way you have one more chance in case you don’t get lucky the first time. Why am I saying get lucky? Because you are playing with your entire bankroll, it doesn’t matter how good you are, this is a risky strategy, but can work in the beginning since you can just get 2,000 more chips the next day to try again.
While Zynga poker is very different from real money poker, if you play a proper strategy you can learn some fundamentals that will give you an advantage if you ever want to transition to real money games. Once you get about 10,000 chips, you can start to play proper strategy.
Bankroll Management: First thing to know, what is a bankroll? A bankroll is the total amount of chips you have to play with. In this case, it will be the total amount in your Zynga poker account. In real money poker, the suggested bankroll for cash games is about 15 times the buy in for risky players who are starting out and want to build their stake. It is OK to use a risky range since this is play money. However, we recommend about 10 buy-ins for Zynga poker. This means that if you have 10,000 chips, you should be playing in a game where the max buy-in is NO LARGER than 1,000 chips.
There are a few reasons for using proper bankroll management:
1) It allows you to take some risks that you can’t take if you play with your entire bankroll. If you don’t have any back up chips, you may not be able to make some calls or plays you could with a larger bankroll behind you.
2) It helps to reduce the variance (risk) of the game.
Why Not Buy-in with Your Max Roll? The reason is simple, it doesn’t matter how good you are, you WILL get unlucky. While skill is a huge part of poker, a player will lose a big hand and even a buy-in or two due to getting unlucky. Flopping a set under another set, getting a smaller straight or flush vs a bigger flush or straight, getting run down by players who draw, or simply getting in a hand you can’t fold. This WILL happen and there is nothing you can do to get around it. What you CAN do is play in a way to reduce your variance. The biggest protection against getting unlucky is proper bankroll management. Playing with no more than 1/10th your bankroll gives you 10 buy-ins before you go broke. If you want even more protection, reduce your stakes to say 1/20th your bankroll, which would give you 20 buy-ins. We suggest playing about 1/20th or 1/30th your stake once you get above $5 million in chips. If you do this, you will have a much smaller chance of going broke.
Ever see players whose highest chip level was 10 Million plus and now they only have a few hundred thousand chips or none at all? They likely practiced poor bankroll management and the odds caught up with them. This means they played stakes far larger than they should have, which means they were probably playing 2M/4M games with only a 10 Million bankroll or even smaller bankrolls.
Losing all your chips can be frustrating and take the fun out of the game. However, this is easily avoided by using the simple rules of bankroll management. After all, you want to learn how to be a better poker player, right? Proper bankroll management is the first step.
Cash Game Pre-Flop Betting
Most tables are loose passive pre-flop, which is actually quite good even in real money games. Loose means that players will play a lot of different hands, including low ranking hands pre-flop even after raises. Passive means that when large bets are on the table there are rarely large re-raises, even when players are holding AA, KK or other big hands.
AA, KK, QQ: Raise big pre-flop. If you are in early position, raise 20-30 times the big blind. If you are in late position, just go all in. If you did not go all in pre-flop, go all in on the flop if you have top pair to the board. Of course AA is always top pair, so shove on the flop.
JJ, 10 10: Raise 10-15 times the big blind. If you have top pair to the board, go all-in or make huge bets 2-3 times the pot, whichever is bigger. Otherwise you are looking for sets or one card straights.
99 and smaller pocket pair: The likelihood that this will be the top pair to the board is much smaller, so just call smaller bets or raises to see a flop. You are looking for a set. If it happens that you do have top pair to the board, go all-in or make large bets like with JJ or 10 10.
You will mainly just want to call small bets/blinds with weak hands. You can call with nearly any two cards pre-flop for small bets, but I generally like any kind of connects (QK, 56, 79) suited or not, or any suited cards, and of course the stronger hands like pocket pairs and AK, AQ as well. Again, you can play a huge range here. There is no use trying to bluff pre-flop to pick up blinds as there will be at least one caller a majority of the time. If you pick up a high suited connector (AK, AQ, KQ, etc) raising it up 7 times the big blind should narrow down the field a bit. But be careful after the flop if you don’t connect with the board.
There are two main reasons to raise pre-flop:
1.) To protect your possible top pair if you hit from garbage two pairs and other possible hands.
2.) Build the pot in case you get a really good hand, including flush or straight draws.
If you get pocket QQ or higher, try to narrow down the field with an all-in. If the majority of the table will call anyway, you may just want to see a flop before betting. In which case you are looking for low flops or, of course, your set (3 of a kind). The point is, keep the pots small without large pre-flop hands. If you have big hands, make people pay to see the flop.
Cash Game Post-flop Betting
When you get a good hand, BET IT!!! Don’t slow play, especially with more than 2 people in a hand. The likelihood that there are draws out there increases with each additional player. Make people pay for their draws. The odds of a player hitting a flush draw are roughly 23%. If you think you have the best hand, make sure you bet about pot-size bets or higher to make them overpay for their draw. The more confident you are in your hand, the more you should bet.
NO BLUFFING!!! No kidding. You will likely get called. There is not enough fold equity in any hand to use this strategy. Remember, this is play money; people don’t really have anything to lose except for bragging rights. I will admit I have bluffed a few times on Zynga, but those were very rare situations, probably 1 in 250 hands.
You are looking for top pair or higher on the flop. Unless the bets are really small as a percentage of the pot, don’t try to draw to over-pairs. If you don’t hit on the flop with a good hand or draw, fold. The problem with drawing to over-pairs is that you may already be beat, it usually isn’t worth it. When you draw, look for straights and flushes.
Keep in mind the number of people in a hand after a flop. If there are 8 other people in a hand, your top pair is not very strong. If it is heads up, it is likely good (but not guaranteed). Still, you will make most of your money on big hands (two pair or higher) that give you confidence to bet. Most players still play loose-passive after the flop. Believe it or not, very few players actually bluff. If they go all-in on the river, chances are they have a good hand. It doesn’t mean the nuts (best hand), but probably two pair or better.
Don’t be afraid to fold. Too many times players will know they are beat with their two pair, or straights when there is a one card flush on the board, yet they will call off their stack anyway. When there are 5+ people in a hand and large bets are being made, chances are your pair isn’t good. You have to gauge your hand strength against the number of players in the hand and the bets being made. The more players in the hand, the stronger your hand will need to be in order to be considered a winning hand. Don’t be afraid to lay down hands that you think are beat.
Don’t overcall draws. One aspect of skill regarding poker is math and valuation. If you constantly overpay for draws, or you call for losing draws, you will go broke. If there are 8 other players after a flop, the likelihood that someone else has a flush draw with you is very good, especially if there are several callers, so be careful with anything less than a King high flush.
The odds of hitting a draw from flop to river:
Open ended straight draw and flush draw: 54%
Four card flush draw on the flop: 35%
Open ended straight draw (8 outs): 31%
Gutshot straight draw (4 outs): 16%
These odds help us to price our draw. You don’t want to pay more than that percentage of the pot to see those draws. So, if the total pot is $100k, you don’t want to pay more than roughly $50K in bets if you are holding an open ended straight and flush draw. If you have a gutshot straight draw, you don’t want to pay more than roughly $16k in total bets.
Winning Poker Zynga Tournaments
Tournaments at Zynga Poker are a bit like bingo, even more so than the ‘cash games’. The starting stacks are only 1,000. The blinds start at 10/20 and advance fairly quickly. If you play the lower tournaments, it is quite common for more than one player, sometimes 3 or 4 players to move all in. This is a risky move no matter your hand. Even pocket aces are diminished when it is 4 handed or more. I would still play KK or higher there, but most times I try to stay out of the way when players are going all in beginning. This usually leaves a more narrow field.
Play much tighter in the beginning of the tournament, only playing very strong hands in early position (meaning first few players to act), meaning pocket 99, A10 suited and above. In late position, you can play lesser hands including low pocket pairs A5 suited, KQ off suite and up. As the tournament goes on you will need to loosen up your play and hand selection, but don’t get too crazy. When there are 4 or fewer players, it is OK to start going all in with AQ and AK or better pre-flop to take down some blinds which should be a little larger at this point. Remember, if your stake gets down to about 10 times the big blind, pick a spot with a good hand and go all-in. Otherwise you will probably just get blinded out. No sense in calling bets unless you are late position and just want to see a flop. However, if it is worth calling with, you may as well go all in to try to take the blind.
Shootout Tournaments
The shootout is a 3 tiered tournament. The first tier only costs $2k in chips, but if you win all 3 tiers, you can win $500k which is quite good for such a small initial investment. However, you must play sound strategy in order for this to be profitable. However, you don’t have to place 1st in all tournaments to be profitable. You only need to win the 1st and at least get 3rd in the second tournament to profit, which isn’t too difficult to do. When you make it to the third tournament, play it safe, even 5th place gets a nice payout.
Shootout Payout Structure
Prize Structure | 1st Tournament | 2nd Tournament | 3rd Tournament |
1st Place | $2,000 & Entry to Round 2 | $15,000 & Entry to Round 3 | $500,000 |
2nd Place | $1,000 | $10,000 | $200,000 |
3rd Place | $500 | $5,000 | $100,000 |
4th Place | – | – | $50,000 |
5th Place | – | – | $25,000 |
Following these simple Zynga poker tips should help you to be a consistently winning player. Remember, this is free poker, most players will not be playing good strategy, so you have to adjust yours accordingly. However, if you master this game and learn to be profitable, it will help you become a fairly good low stakes for real money cash games. By low stakes I mean $1/$2 blinds or less which is what a majority of people play live.
Zynga Poker App Download
More Zynga Poker Tips
- Do NOT tip the dealer. It will not improve your luck. It is only a waste of chips.
- Be sure to fulfill the easy goals, this helps you level up more quickly, each level up is $1,500 in free chips.
- Make new friends, not only will this help you level up as well, but you will also increase your chances of bonus chips on the slot machine. Some may even be kind enough to donate chips to you.
- Keep track of new players by purchasing a cheap gift like a donut for everyone at the table. Not only will this help you level up, but you will be able to see when new players come to the table because they won’t have the donuts (most people don’t buy donuts for themselves). This can help you keep track of players in certain seats and use their playing styles against them. Of course only do this later on when you have the chips to spend.
In 2007, Facebook began working with a little known-game
developer called Zynga. And the first game to arise from this
partnership was Zynga Poker.
The partnership quickly accelerated Zynga Poker’s growth and
helped make it the world’s largest poker site today.
It also popularized the concept of social poker, where you
can purchase play money chips, chat with friends, and complete
It’s estimated that over 350 million people have played Zynga
Poker at least once.
What makes this poker game so popular? And how do you play
Let’s answer these questions and more by looking at Zynga
Poker’s history, how to play, and its pros and cons.
History of Zynga Poker on Facebook
In 2007, Eric Schiermeyer, Justin Waldron, Mark Pincus,
Michael Luxton, Steve Schoettler, and Andrew Trader co-founded a
company called Presidio Media.
Months later, the company adopted the name Zynga, which was
named after Pincus’ late bulldog Zinga.
In July 2007, Zynga Poker, a.k.a. Texas Holdem, launched on
Facebook and became the company’s first game. Powered by this
poker game, Zynga became the most popular game developer on
Facebook with 40 million monthly users.
Zynga Poker Log In
Zynga Poker Becomes Largest Online Poker Site
Prior to Zynga Poker’s launch, the online poker scene
primarily consisted of real money sites and basic free play
games around the internet.
Zynga changed this, though, by providing a cartoonish Texas
Holdem game with features that emphasized socializing with
This unparalleled experience drew the masses, with Zynga
Poker’s player base quickly growing into the millions.
In March 2011, ESPN pointed out that Zynga’s Texas HoldEm had
38 million players, making it the world’s biggest online poker
This trend hasn’t stopped because VentureBeat’s Dean
Takahashi estimated that over 350 million people had played
Zynga Poker by 2014.
Zynga Expands Its Market, Adds More Languages
Like many Facebook games and services, Texas HoldEm began as
an English only game. But Zynga added more languages and
expanded to more countries in 2010.
One of the most significant moves was when they added
Mandarin Chinese and marketed to China. Zynga Poker is also
available in French, Indonesian, Portuguese, and Turkish.
PokerCon Held in Las Vegas
Fueled by the success of their poker game, Zynga held
PokerCon at Las Vegas’ Palms Casino Resort in 2011.
PokerCon featured several professional poker players,
including Annie Duke, Doyle Brunson, Gavin Smith, Mike Sexton,
Scotty Nguyen, and Vanessa Rousso. Duke taught an instructional
course to interested participants called Zynga Poker University.
Award winning rapper B.o.B. put on a performance for PokerCon
PokerCon also featured a $100,000 live poker tournament held
inside the Palms Casino.
The goal of the 2 day event was to encourage players to turn
their online friendships into offline connections.
PokerCon is no longer held, and no plans have been announced
to bring it back.
Zynga Announces Real Money Poker
In its first several years, Zynga Poker was only a play money
site. While players still pay money to buy chips, these chips
have no monetary value.
But in 2012, Zynga announced that they would enter real money
online poker markets through Facebook.
what real money markets they wanted to enter.
They initially discussed the US, where Delaware, Nevada, and
New Jersey were preparing to regulate online gaming. But they
settled on the UK because it has a nationally regulated online
gaming market with more potential players.
ZyngaPokerPlus and ZyngaCasinoPlus launched in the UK in
January 2014. Utilizing PartyPoker software, ZyngaPokerPlus
shared a player pool with the bwin.party network.
Zynga got far less traffic than they expected in the UK and
closed ZyngaPokerPlus and ZyngaPlusCasino in March 2015. The
move came at a time when Zynga was struggling, their stock
prices were falling, and they wanted to fully focus on social
Zynga Poker, Facebook Tear Up Contract
Zynga Poker Experience Points Cheat
In May 2010, Zynga threatened to leave Facebook after the
social gaming giant announced that customers would have to
exclusively use Facebook Credits to make in game purchases.
This angered Zynga because it provided an extra layer that
players had to go through to buy items in Zynga Poker and their
other games.
Just days later, the two sides settled their differences by
signing a 5 year contract. Main points of the contract included
Facebook Credits being expanded in Zynga games, and Facebook
agreeing not to develop their own games.
But in November 2012, Zynga and Facebook ended their
contract. While Zynga games still run on Facebook, there were a
few notable changes to the companies’ relationship.
Facebook is allowed to develop their own games, although
they’ve yet to dive into this space.
Zynga no longer has to force players to use Facebook to log
into their games. Another point in Zynga’s favor is that they
don’t have to run Facebook’s virtual payment system or ads.
Zynga Poker Undergoes Overhaul in 2014
In September 2014, Zynga made big changes to their poker
product. Changes included:
- New interface that allows for easier navigation.
- Improved lobby that allows players to enter cash games/tournaments quicker.
- New table design with a realistic poker perspective.
- More precise betting system for the iPad and iPhone.
- Bigger hole cards meant to mimic a real life poker experience.
While Zynga stated that these changes were the result of
player feedback, many customers were critical that the Zynga
Poker experience was being altered too much.
One month after the original changes, Zynga announced that
players would be able to use the older version through Zynga
Poker Classic.
How to Play Zynga Poker
You can play Zynga’s Texas HoldEm on a variety of platforms,
including with Android, iPhone, and Windows Phone mobile
devices, along with PC, and Mac computers.
Below are some quick instructions for how to access Zynga
Poker from the different platforms and how you play the game.
Accessing Zynga Poker through Facebook
No matter what computer or mobile device you’re using,
playing Zynga Poker through Facebook features the same process.
You can start by searching for Texas holdem or poker in the
Facebook search engine. You may also find Texas HoldEm listed to
the side of your Facebook page under Apps.
Note that in either case, you must have a Facebook account
and be logged in to find the Texas HoldEm app.
Once you click on Texas HoldEm through the Apps menu or
search engine results, the game will load automatically.
While Zynga Poker is loading, you’ll be prompted to accept
bonus chips, share chips with friends, and try other Zynga games
like FarmVille and CityVille.
You can close the ads by clicking the X in the upper right
hand corner. Once you’ve either accepted or closed the ads, the
Texas HoldEm lobby appears ready for play.
Downloading the Zynga Poker App through a Smartphone or Tablet
If you’re experienced with downloading apps through a
smartphone or tablet, you should have no trouble accessing Zynga
The first step involves navigating to the app store for your
specific operating system (OS). Android OS users visit Google
Play, Apple iOS users visit the App Store, and windows users
visit the Windows Store.
No matter which store you’re using, you can find Zynga Poker
by searching for poker or Texas holdem. Zynga is one of the
first apps that appears in search engines, so this process only
takes seconds to complete.
Playing Zynga Poker
Texas HoldEm features a lobby in the middle of the screen
that offers a variety of stakes, tables, and formats. The
formats include:
- Holdem
Holdem cash games offer blinds
ranging from 25 / 50 chips to 200 million / 400 million chips.
The max buy in and number of players are listed next to each
table. You can limit the stakes that you see in the lobby by
using the drop down arrow at the top. - Holdem Fast
The Holdem section has two
different settings: Normal and Fast. The latter is a fast fold
variant that sees you receive a new hand immediately after your
action ends in the current hand. - Shootout
These Texas holdem tournaments
see the chip leader from each table advance through a series of
rounds. You can skip ahead to later rounds by paying gold, also
used in Zynga Casino, or getting sponsored by a friend. - Sit N Go
These are single table
tournaments that always feature 9 players at Zynga. The lobby
shows you the buy in, prizes, speed Fast / Normal, and number of
players seated in each Sit N Go.
When you choose a cash game or tournament that you can
afford, you’ll be taken to the table and asked to read / accept
terms of service. If you don’t have the required amount of chips
to play at a desired table, Zynga will prompt you to purchase
As long as a seat is available and you have enough chips, you
can select a table and choose a seat.
the same with Zynga.
You have the option to bet, raise, fold, or check depending
upon the situation. You’re only given a few seconds to make each
decision before the software automatically checks or folds your
You can visit another table at any time by clicking New Table
in the top left hand corner.
Also note that Texas HoldEm has a chat function that allows
you to type messages for the table to see.
Experience Points and Levels
At the top of the screen, you’ll see a green bar that shows
how many experience points are needed to reach the next level.
Zynga Poker Experience Points Games
As you continue playing hands, you accumulate experience
points that increase this bar. When you reach a new level,
you’ll be awarded more free chips.
Completing Challenges
In the lobby, you’ll see a section to the right entitled
Challenges. You can scroll down the list to see what the daily /
weekly challenges are and how long you have to complete them.
Examples of challenges include: win $250k chips in one day,
win $1.5 million chips in 7 days, bet on 12 hands, win two hands
at $2k / $4k limits.
Any time that you complete a challenge, you’ll be awarded
tickets. You can click the Redeem button under the Challenges
section to purchase chips, experience points, and casino gold
with your tickets.
Zynga Poker Promotions and Purchases
Zynga frequently advertises that you can purchase more chips
and VIP points. While you’re given free chips to start with,
additional chips allow you to play higher stakes, level up
faster, and complete more challenges.
Examples of offers include: buying 1,127,000 chips + 200 VIP
points for $2.00; buying $2,860,000 chips + 500 VIP points for
$5.00; and buying $17,160,000 chips + 1,000 VIP points for
VIP points are used through the loyalty program to collect
more chips and accolades.
Pros and Cons of Zynga Poker
Zynga Poker has become the world’s most popular online poker
site for multiple reasons. But it also has some downsides that
can be frustrating.
That said, let’s look at both the positives and negatives of
playing Texas HoldEm.
- Zynga has created a detailed and fun poker experience
for recreational players who want to have a good time with
friends and possibly meet some new ones. - You receive $2,000 free chips, which allows you to play
at the low stakes tables. If you’re skilled enough, you can
slowly win chips to build your bankroll. - If you want to accelerate your bankroll, it’s not very
expensive to buy 1 million or more chips. - We like how detailed the rewards and Challenges are.
- You can access multiple challenges at any time, which
makes playing all the more fun. The leveling up system is
also nice and adds a competitive element as you try to out
level your friends and opponents. - Another good aspect to Zynga Poker is the variety of
formats that you can enjoy. Some social poker apps only
offer Texas holdem cash games, but Zynga features Holdem,
Fast & Normal, Shootout tournaments, and Sit N Gos. - One more thing to like about Texas HoldEm is the heavy
social aspect because you can invite Facebook friends, play
in the same games, and chat with fellow players.
- The Texas HoldEm lobby is too cluttered, which makes
this game feel intimidating when you first open it. We’re
not saying that online poker neophytes will be completely
lost, but it takes a while to orient yourself to the lobby. - The problem is that there are four icons on the left
hand side that prompt you to get more chips, while the
Challenge section on the right side takes up too much room.
We’d prefer to see the table lobby take up more room on the
screen. - Another drawback to Zynga Poker is the constant ads to
purchase chips. It’s alright for Zynga to advertise that you
can buy chips, but pop up ads every 5 10 minutes is
excessive. - We’re also not fans of how quickly Texas HoldEm forces
you to make decisions. - With many of the cash tables being 5 player max, you’re
already forced to play a lot of hands. Having only a few
seconds to perform actions makes it hard to relax and multi
Zynga Poker started the social gaming boom when it was
launched in 2007. The result of the boom is that people have
thousands of fun social gaming apps to choose from today.
Despite all of the increased competition, Zynga still remains
the gold standard in social poker.
They’ve worked to refine Texas HoldEm based on suggestions
and feedback from players. And while we don’t like all of their
efforts, see the Cons list; the overall product stands out in
the crowded social poker niche.
Don’t let the barrage of chip purchasing ads fool you because
you’ll never have to spend money if you use your starting chips
wisely. Texas HoldEm’s level up system not only gives you goals
to shoot for, but also offers much needed free chips.

These chips come in handy when you want to try all of the
Zynga Poker formats, including Fast Holden, Normal Holden,
Shootouts, and Sit N Gos.
you’ll never have any difficulty finding a game.